4月4日~5日の間、米太平洋艦隊司令官が来訪されました。この際に行われた海上幕僚長主催 懇談会の様子をお届けします。
The Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet visited the JMSDF between April 4th – 5th, 2017.
We will be sharing you dinner hosted by Chief of Staff, JMSDF during his visit.
特務艇「はしだて」に乗艦する米太平洋艦隊司令官 スウィフト大将
ADM Swift, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet getting on board JMSDF Service Yacht JS Hashidate
米太平洋艦隊司令官を出迎える海上幕僚長 村川海将
ADM Murakawa, Chief of Staff, JMSDF welcoming Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet
Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet putting his signature to the guest book of “Hashidate”
The signature and message by Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet on the guest book
Chief of Staff, JMSDF having a talk with Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet
Night view from “Hashidate”
“Hashidate” in port